

If you're having trouble deciding what to read next or can't find a "good" book to read try some of these resources. We have several reference books at the library that can help you out. There are also numerous web sites with helpful hints and lists.

Books at Our Circulation Desk

Book Lust : Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason

Christian Fiction: A Guide to the Genre

Fluent in Fantasy: A Guide to Reading Interests

Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction

Sequels: An Annotated Guide to Novels in Series

To Be Continued: An Annotated Guide to Sequels


Fantastic Fiction

FictionDB - If You Like, Try...


Hennepin County Library Book Lists for Adults

Kent District Library What's Next®: Books in Series Database

Library Booklists and Bibliographies

Library Thing

Mid-Continent Public Library Based on the Book

Mid-Continent Public Library Book Awards

Stop, You're Killing Me!

Uchronia: The Alternate History List
